RKM Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Riverside’

Why Bother With a Maintenance Plan?

Monday, August 13th, 2018

hvac-technician-maintenance-on-outdoor-unitIf you read every air conditioning repair blog on the internet, you’d be convinced that your air conditioner was going to break down tomorrow due to a leak you didn’t know about, or some complication with your compressor that you never saw coming.

Our goal isn’t to make you paranoid that every day you turn on the AC is a new day for a potential problem. At the same time, in our hearts, we can’t neglect to inform HVAC system owners that maintenance is a crucial responsibility.

At the very least, a good maintenance plan is going to make maintenance worth your while by throwing in some good benefits.

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Why Choose a Dual Fuel System?

Monday, July 30th, 2018

hot-and-cold-house-iconsFor the ultimate in heating and cooling comfort, a dual fuel system might be just the thing you need. However, it is a system that was made with a very particular type of homeowner in mind. You wouldn’t want to invest in one if it didn’t make sense for your personal needs. To learn more about dual fuel systems and how they work, read on.

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Benefits of a Dehumidifier

Monday, July 16th, 2018

man-suffering-from-humidity-uses-electric-fanThere’s nothing quite like walking into your home and sinking into that sticky, humid feeling. It might only be 75 degrees outside, but a humidity of 80% is going to make it feel so much worse. Humidity will even bring us discomfort late into the night when we’re trying to sleep. At that point, humidity is no longer a mild discomfort—it’s becoming a detriment to your quality of life.

Your best defense against humidity is, of course, a dehumidifier! The way it works is pretty simple—it reduces the humidity in your home by removing moisture. Below are just a few ways that dehumidifiers in Riverside, CA are helping homeowners.

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3 AC Efficiency Issues That Call for Repairs

Monday, July 2nd, 2018

air-conditioner-repair-technicianWhen you think “AC repair,” you might think of refrigerant leaks, busted fans, and other tell-tale signs that something is terribly wrong with your unit.

But some AC issues are much subtler. It’s not uncommon that these problems simply go unnoticed by AC owners. All the same, they will need professional attention before becoming a problem. These problems will cause your AC efficiency to suffer, and you might not realize it until you see an increase in your next energy bill.

Here are three common efficiency issues that need air conditioning repair in Riverside, CA.

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How to Choose the Right Water Heater for Your Home

Monday, June 18th, 2018

tank-water-heaterPerhaps your water heater has suddenly quit working. Maybe the bottom rusted out, and you suddenly have 30-60 gallons of water on the floor. Then again, you may want to replace the one you have before it’s a crisis, or you need one for a new home. No matter what, there are a variety of factors which contribute to choosing the right water heater. We’ll look at some different options and features below so you can determine which one is best for you.

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Why AC Maintenance Is So Important

Monday, June 4th, 2018

technician-servicing-ac-unitEven though modern technology is often viewed with awe and admiration, it’s still prone to error. Air conditioning (AC) systems are especially imperfect, regardless of their quality or the precision of their installation.

At RKM Heating and Air Conditioning, we specialize in preventative services centered around heating and air conditioning systems. By employing us, you can ensure that the air temperature in your home is always ideal.

In this article, we discuss 4 reasons why AC maintenance is so important for modern homeowners, emphasizing how preventative care is critical for avoiding undesirable consequences.

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Schedule Maintenance for Your Heater and Your Air Conditioner

Monday, March 12th, 2018

HVAC-maintenance-sessionsWe don’t have seasons in the Inland Empire the way the rest of the country does. Our winters are extremely mild and our summers are long and hot. Heaters tend to see us for a few short months in the winter — usually during our cool nights — and air conditioning season starts sooner and sooner every year it seems. We’re not even officially into spring yet, and chances are you’ve had to run your air conditioner a number of times this year already.

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Need Cleaner Air? Use a REME HALO In-Duct Air Purifier

Monday, February 26th, 2018

happy-family-homeMost homeowners in the area rightfully focus on temperature control when keeping their houses comfortable. Our summers are long and staggeringly hot, and without a good air conditioner, you might just melt on the spot. But as important as it is, it’s not the only aspect of home comfort. Indoor air quality can play a huge role in making your house feel right. We get a lot of dust in the air in the Inland Empire, especially in the summer, as well as high humidity levels and the proliferation of germs and allergens.

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How to Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

Monday, February 12th, 2018

money-savingEnergy efficiency is often considered a concern for places with cold winters, which definitely does not apply to the Inland Empire. This winter has been much warmer than normal – temperatures in the past few weeks have been actively warm – which may lead homeowners to conclude they don’t need an energy efficient home.

But the same factors that keep homes back east warm in the winter can help keep them cool in the summer, which is of great concern to those of us here in Southern California. Soon enough, another blazing summer will be upon us, which means that now is the time to consider improving your home’s energy efficiency. There are some specific steps you can take, and with the help of a trained expert, it could translate into big savings on your monthly energy bills. We’ve listed a few of them below.

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Signs You Need to Replace Your Old Furnace

Monday, January 29th, 2018

heating-replacement-servicesFurnaces don’t see nearly as much use as air conditioners do in the Inland Empire, where winters are mild and extremely brief. But we still need them during this time of year, when temperatures can get quite chilly (especially late at night). And it can be easy to overlook the signs of trouble with your furnace, especially if they don’t result in a flat-out shutdown. If you have an older furnace and you spot signs of trouble, you may want to consider replacing it before too much time goes by.

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