RKM Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Repair’

Why You Shouldn’t Try DIY Furnace Repair

Monday, January 14th, 2019

service-technician-tests-furnace-safelyYour furnace isn’t acting quite the way it should. Luckily, you’ve found a video online that seems to describe the problem perfectly (the furnace in the video isn’t the same model as yours, but it’s close enough, right?). All you need now is a pair of gloves, some goggles, a welding torch…

Let’s stop you right there. While we have plenty of faith in your ability to pull off a challenging DIY job, we also know that furnaces and HVAC equipment are not for the average DIYer. There’s a reason why only certified and licensed professionals are allowed to repair and maintain these systems. Actually, there are several reasons, and we’ll list them below.

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I Don’t Feel the Heat From My Furnace

Monday, November 5th, 2018

cold-man-inspecting-thermostatNo heater in the world is going to make your home feel warm within mere seconds, or even minutes. Especially if you’ve allowed your home to get cold as an icebox! It will take even more time to heat up, in that case.

But we’re not saying we don’t believe you when you say you don’t feel the heat. If you feel air that is distinctly not warm coming out of your air vents–or can’t feel any air at all–it could be a sign that you need repairs. A furnace that isn’t blowing hot air could be suffering from one of these issues:

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Give Your Furnace a Quick Test Before the Cold Season

Monday, September 10th, 2018

furnaceThe cold season is approaching, and it will soon be time to turn your furnaces back on. Before that happens, though, you should consider turning your furnace back on now. It’s a great opportunity to see if things are still working properly, and if there is something wrong, there will be no rush when you schedule the repair.

There are a few things to look out for before and during your furnace test, and we’ll list them below.

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Signs of Trouble with Your Heating System

Monday, December 18th, 2017

heating-system-repairsWe don’t get a lot of snow here in the Inland Empire, but that doesn’t mean we have no need for a heating system. Winter nights can drop to the freezing point and comparatively few homes in the area have much insulation. Without a reliable heating system, your home could resemble an ice box in a matter of just a few hours. And it goes beyond simple comfort: for sensitive family members such as infants and the elderly, a malfunctioning heating system can constitute a genuine health risk.

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