RKM Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Maintenance’

AC Repair Vs. AC Maintenance: What’s the Difference?

Monday, April 1st, 2024

This is an important question, even if it seems like something that our customers might know intuitively. Sometimes, no matter what is going on with the internal workings of your air conditioner, you call our team to schedule an appointment. The difference between whether it’s a maintenance call or a service call can sometimes feel trivial.

But the truth is there’s a very big difference between these two types of appointments. When you call us, we can try to make the best call for what you need in the moment, but we think all of our customers would be better off knowing the difference between the two.

Do you need air conditioning repair in Irvine, CA? Or perhaps a maintenance appointment would be a better choice? Keep reading to learn the answer.

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It’s Time to Start Preparing for Summer Already!

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

Don’t you feel like you were just hanging up your lights for the holiday season, baking cookies, and pulling on those extra layers? We know—we feel the same way—winter really rolled by fast. Spring is here and summer is right around the corner. You want to make sure that you’re getting the best service from your air conditioner this summer and air conditioning maintenance is the way to do this.

You want to make sure that you’re getting the best work possible in Riverside, CA. We live in a hot climate that needs a great air conditioning system to keep it comfortable. We’re going to make sure that you get the comfort that you need in your home.

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Why AC Maintenance Is So Important

Monday, June 4th, 2018

technician-servicing-ac-unitEven though modern technology is often viewed with awe and admiration, it’s still prone to error. Air conditioning (AC) systems are especially imperfect, regardless of their quality or the precision of their installation.

At RKM Heating and Air Conditioning, we specialize in preventative services centered around heating and air conditioning systems. By employing us, you can ensure that the air temperature in your home is always ideal.

In this article, we discuss 4 reasons why AC maintenance is so important for modern homeowners, emphasizing how preventative care is critical for avoiding undesirable consequences.

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Schedule Maintenance for Your Heater and Your Air Conditioner

Monday, March 12th, 2018

HVAC-maintenance-sessionsWe don’t have seasons in the Inland Empire the way the rest of the country does. Our winters are extremely mild and our summers are long and hot. Heaters tend to see us for a few short months in the winter — usually during our cool nights — and air conditioning season starts sooner and sooner every year it seems. We’re not even officially into spring yet, and chances are you’ve had to run your air conditioner a number of times this year already.

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Get Your Air Conditioner Ready for Spring

Monday, January 15th, 2018

air-conditioning-springWinter doesn’t really hit us here in the Inland Empire: not the way it does back east, certainly. But the weather is cooler and pleasant, which means we rarely have the need for our air conditioners during this part of the year. That makes now an excellent time to get your system ready for the spring. Warm weather arrives sooner every year, it seems, and if your air conditioner is ready to go, you can be assured that it will run efficiently all summer long.

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