It’s Time to Prepare Your Heater for Winter

October 7th, 2019

heating-replacement-servicesAre you wondering if you should try to find your home a new furnace this year? We know last winter feels like it was eons ago, but you should take some time to think about the performance of your furnace system last year. Did you have any trouble getting your home to your desired temperature? Did you have trouble keeping your home at your desired temperature? Do you pay way too much for your furnace system? It’s time for you to schedule an appointment with our team.

You can come to our team when you want a great HVAC contractor in Murrieta, CA. Make sure that you contact us because we’re going to provide you with the service that you need. Furnace installation is no joke. It’s what sets the tone for the entire life of your furnace system. Contact us today to learn more.

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It’s Never Too Late to Call for AC Repair

September 23rd, 2019

ac-boyzWe know that it’s fall here in Murrieta now. The weather hasn’t exactly cooled off, but you’ve probably had the chance to layer on a little more outwear than normal and there’s no doubt that you’re already seeing Halloween decorations in stores. The cool weather is already on your mind. This isn’t an excuse to neglect your air conditioning services though.

If you noticed that the last month or so has been really rough with your air conditioner, it might be time for you to schedule air conditioning repair in Murrieta, CA. Now is a great time to do so. You might just think that you can wait until next spring to take care of any problems, but knocking out issues now will ensure that you’re completely prepared when the temperatures start to heat up.

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Don’t Procrastinate When It Comes to AC Repair

September 9th, 2019

hvac-technician-maintenance-on-outdoor-unitTrust us when we say that the last thing you want to do is procrastinate on your air conditioning repair services. It doesn’t matter the severity of the problem or how long it’s been going on—take this as your sign to pick up the phone today.

We know it’s pretty late in the summer here in Riverside, however, you also know that our summers stretch long into fall and even early winter at times. You’re going to need your air conditioner to stand strong for a little while longer. Procrastinating will only make your air conditioning problems even worse or more severe. Call our team when you need air conditioning repair in Riverside, CA. We’re the team that’s going to do the job right.

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Get Ready For Winter: Get To Know California’s New Furnace Emission Standards

August 28th, 2019

person-writing-in-calendarThere are new rules here in the Riverside area. We’re talking about the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) Rule 1111 and the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District’s (SJVAPCD) Rule 4905.

We won’t bombard you with all the technical details. All you need to know is what these rules mean for you. Rule 1111 and rule 4905 mean that you need to have an energy-compliant furnace by October of 2019. If your furnace doesn’t meet the mandated emissions regulations you’ll have to pay a fine of up to $400. Your furnace needs to meet 65% or lower NOx emissions—from 40 to 14 nanograms/joule or less.

So why is this happening? Well, the state of California is trying to cut down on nitrogen oxide emissions. The fact is that nitrogen oxides are harmful to the environment. They cause ozone degradation, acid rain, poor water quality, and other respiratory issues.

If you’re worried about the state of your home’s furnace, you can contact the professionals on our team. We carry high-efficiency, low-emissions furnaces at RKM Heating & Air. If you want to upgrade your furnace before this fall, it’s time to contact our service professionals.

Get in touch with the professionals on our team to schedule an appointment today. 


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Common Misconceptions About Your Thermostat

August 26th, 2019

Think about how often you interact with your home’s thermostat. You probably use your thermostat to turn your home’s air conditioner on and off and don’t really give it another thought. We want you to take a little extra time though. Your thermostat isn’t just the switch that’s able to turn on and off your thermostat—it’s an incredibly vital part of your HVAC system.

If you need a great HVAC system in Anaheim, CA we can help you get it. You know how hot it gets here. Make sure that you have a responsible team that understands what they’re doing so that we can fine-tune your air conditioning system at every level. Contact us today.

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What are SEER Ratings?

August 12th, 2019

blue-question-markSummer is that time of year where your air conditioner might fall a little short. If your air conditioner is leaving a lot to be desired in your home, it might be time for you to schedule an appointment with our professionals. If you’re looking for a great new air conditioning system, you’re going to need a system with a great SEER rating.

So, what’s a SEER rating you ask? It’s a great question. Your SEER rating is how you choose the best air conditioning system available to you for your home. You can think of it as the five-star system for your air conditioning system. It’s a reliable way to rate an air conditioner on the market. If you need air conditioning service in Anaheim, CA, we can be the team to get your air conditioning system together for you.

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Why Your AC System Has Low Airflow

July 29th, 2019

air-conditioner-maintenance-tools-in-back-yardSummer is flying by this year! We’re officially entering the last half of summer and we’ve already seen it all, but scorching temperatures are still on their way! This time of year should make you thankful for your air conditioner, right? Your air conditioner should be able to combat all the heat your home faces without incident.

Weak airflow is one of the most annoying problems that you can face in a home because it’s not outright failure. Weak airflow is uncomfortable and it’s one of those problems that has the ability to sneak up on you—you might not even notice that it’s happening right away. If you’re experiencing weak airflow, the easy fix is to call our professionals for air conditioning repair in Anaheim, CA. We’re always there when you need us.

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What Factors Go into Air Conditioning Installation?

July 15th, 2019

air-conditioning-springThe first rule of air conditioning is that you need great air conditioning installation services. Air conditioning installation is the foundation of your system. If you don’t have a great air conditioning system in your home, you’re never going to get the caliber of cooling power that you need. If you want a perfect air conditioning system in your home, you need to focus on your sizing.

There’s a lot more that goes into your installation than figuring out the square footage of your home and finding an air conditioner that’s relatively compatible. You need a load calculation from a professional. Contact our team for air conditioning installation in Riverside, CA. We’ll make sure your experience is flawless.

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Does My Air Conditioner Need Maintenance?

July 1st, 2019

hvac-technician-maintenance-on-outdoor-unitThe calendar says its summer, but we’re still in that awkward stage of our weather here in Riverside. It’s common for us to have a couple scorching hot days punctuate our rather gloomy early summer weather, but we’re still not quite in that period where we need our AC unit every day. We know that you’ve probably turned on your air conditioner at least once so far in this season. If you’ve noticed literally any issues with your air conditioner in your home, it’s time for you to contact our technicians. We specialize in AC maintenance in Riverside, CA and we can help you fine tune your home.

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The Purpose of Refrigerant in Your AC System

June 17th, 2019

air-conditioner-in-need-of-serviceIf you have an air conditioner in your home that you’ve ever had serviced, you’ve probably heard the word “refrigerant”, but do you know what it is? You might know what refrigerant is on a literal level, but it’s important to understand how refrigerant functions in your air conditioning system. If you understand the basics of your air conditioning system you’ll be able to avoid a lot of problems down the road.

The specific requirements of your refrigerant depend on the needs of your particular unit. If you want to make sure that your AC system is always treated with care make sure you contact our team for our air conditioning repair in Riverside, CA. Done Right, Priced Right.

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