RKM Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Benefits of a Dehumidifier

Monday, July 16th, 2018

man-suffering-from-humidity-uses-electric-fanThere’s nothing quite like walking into your home and sinking into that sticky, humid feeling. It might only be 75 degrees outside, but a humidity of 80% is going to make it feel so much worse. Humidity will even bring us discomfort late into the night when we’re trying to sleep. At that point, humidity is no longer a mild discomfort—it’s becoming a detriment to your quality of life.

Your best defense against humidity is, of course, a dehumidifier! The way it works is pretty simple—it reduces the humidity in your home by removing moisture. Below are just a few ways that dehumidifiers in Riverside, CA are helping homeowners.

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Need Cleaner Air? Use a REME HALO In-Duct Air Purifier

Monday, February 26th, 2018

happy-family-homeMost homeowners in the area rightfully focus on temperature control when keeping their houses comfortable. Our summers are long and staggeringly hot, and without a good air conditioner, you might just melt on the spot. But as important as it is, it’s not the only aspect of home comfort. Indoor air quality can play a huge role in making your house feel right. We get a lot of dust in the air in the Inland Empire, especially in the summer, as well as high humidity levels and the proliferation of germs and allergens.

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