RKM Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Why Your Air Conditioner Might be Struggling

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

Summer is a wonderful time of the year. You get to spend lots of time outdoors with your family. But when you’re at home, you want to feel cool and comfortable. If you’ve noticed that your AC unit doesn’t seem to be cooling quite as well, you need to address the problems before the end of the season. 

If you need air conditioning maintenance in Riverside, CA, we can help. If you notice any of these three signs that your unit is struggling, it’s time to take action. Try our tips for addressing the problem, and if that doesn’t work then give us a call.

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Can I Boost My AC Efficiency?

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Your air conditioner inevitably works harder in the summer to cool your home when temperatures are at their highest. While the latest AC models are designed to stand up to the challenge of cooling your home, that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement. And if you have an older air conditioner you may be looking for ways to boost efficiency so you can get a few more summers out of the unit before replacing it completely. 

There are ways you can boost efficiency and save money on your energy costs, even extending the life of your AC unit. If you’re looking for air conditioning repair in Riverside, CA, look no further. Our team can help with routine maintenance to keep your unit running at its best.

In the meantime, use these tips to help your AC unit work efficiently this summer. 

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7 Signs Your AC Unit Requires Professional Service

Monday, July 11th, 2022

Your air conditioner works hard to keep your home cool and comfortable during the hot summer months. Just like any other appliance in your home, your air conditioner needs to be properly maintained to continue running efficiently.

There are a few different things that you should be concerned about when running your air conditioner. First, you should clean or replace the air filter on a monthly basis. Second, you should have your air conditioner professionally serviced at least once a year. For AC repair in Riverside CA, our team can inspect your system to provide maintenance or repair to ensure that your system is running at peak performance.

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When to Consider an AC Upgrade

Monday, June 13th, 2022

It’s June! This means that it’s crunch time for your air conditioner. It’s starting to heat up outside and as it does, you might start to notice the problems with your air conditioning system. These problems might be brand new issues that you’re noticing this summer, or they could have been things that were spurs in your side even dating back to last year. In either scenario, we’re the professionals who want to help you get the upgrade you deserve. 

If you’re considering an air conditioning upgrade in Riverside, CA, then make sure you consult with professionals like ours. We know we’re not living in a future like The Jetsons just yet where your unit can flash an alert when it’s ready to be replaced. You need to know the signs. That’s why we’ve rounded up a few of the ones we think you should know below.

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It’s Time to Maintain Your AC

Monday, April 18th, 2022
Family holding green paper house in hands. Real estate concept

One of the best things you can do is to properly maintain your home’s air conditioning system. It will save you time, money, and keep you much cooler in the long run. If you’re interested in maintaining your home’s air conditioning system, then we suggest turning to one of our professionals to walk you through the process.

We know that things can be confusing and we understand that there are many factors to consider. We understand all of them because we’re professionals. We’re here to give you the run-down today. Because we understand air conditioning in Riverside, CA, we know how to serve your home best. If you need to install, repair, or even maintain part of your system this winter, we’re going to perform the work. Let’s get into what you should know below. 

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Last Call on Your AC Repair!

Monday, October 4th, 2021

Now that fall has arrived, you probably have your sights set on your heating services. This is what’s ahead of you and we’re sure that you want to be prepared for everything that’s to come in this upcoming season. While we understand this, it’s still important for you to square away your air conditioning needs now. 

We’re the team you can turn to if you’re looking for AC repair in Irvine, CA. Make sure that you get the most from your air conditioning repair with a team of professionals like ours. We’re diligent, conscientious, and we take cost into mind as well. We’re ready to help you round out the warm weather season.

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How to Help Your AC Services with Home Automation

Monday, September 20th, 2021

If you’re looking to boost your home comfort, then you might have looked into the topic of home automation services. More products on the market are “smart” these days. The chances are high that you’re reading this on a smartphone, you probably have a tablet, you might have a high-tech doorbell, and you may even have a smart thermostat too. There are many ways to make your home more intuitive and easier to run. Home automation is one. 

We’re here to give you the crash course in everything smart today. If you need air conditioning service in Riverside, CA, then we want to help you perfect this today with great home automation services. 

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5 Signs Your Air Conditioner Is Struggling

Monday, September 6th, 2021

We’re rounding the corner on the finish line of summer. Can you reflect on the last few months and say that yours was a success? We would hope that the answer is a firm “yes,” but if it isn’t, we’re here to help you make sure that it is next year. 

The first thing that you need to consider is AC repair in Riverside, CA. We know that this isn’t always what you want to hear. Most of the time, homeowners are looking for another option to try before they have to pick up the phone to call a professional. Sometimes, professional repair is your best option, though. Let’s talk about the signs that you need care below.

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Common Reasons Why You Have an Underperforming AC System

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

Summer can really start to take a toll on your air conditioning system. If you’ve noticed that your air conditioner is underperforming now, we want to be here to give you the help you need. We’re the experts in everything air conditioning repair in Riverside, CA.

Of course, we want to be here to help you fix your underperforming air conditioning system. It’s a great idea to take a step back when you run into issues, though. Reflecting on how these issues happen is the best way to make sure that the issues never happen again. We’re prepared to help you with whatever you need.

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AC Problems You Might Run Into At the Height of Summer

Monday, August 9th, 2021

With August here and the temperatures high, your air conditioner might run into problems and fail to cool your home properly. Some of the most common issues that you can expect here include lack of cooling power, releasing warm air, using more energy leading to high electricity bills, short cycling, etc. You may also experience fan issues, which can lead to insufficient airflow inside the unit. This can cause a number of problems, such as compressor failure. 

With temperatures rising, these problems can interfere with your comfort and prevent you from getting that much-needed relief you need to escape the heat. 

Why do these problems happen, though? And what can you do about them? Here we discuss some of the most common reasons why your AC might run into issues. Let’s begin.  

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