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Get Ready For Winter: Get To Know California’s New Furnace Emission Standards

person-writing-in-calendarThere are new rules here in the Riverside area. We’re talking about the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) Rule 1111 and the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District’s (SJVAPCD) Rule 4905.

We won’t bombard you with all the technical details. All you need to know is what these rules mean for you. Rule 1111 and rule 4905 mean that you need to have an energy-compliant furnace by October of 2019. If your furnace doesn’t meet the mandated emissions regulations you’ll have to pay a fine of up to $400. Your furnace needs to meet 65% or lower NOx emissions—from 40 to 14 nanograms/joule or less.

So why is this happening? Well, the state of California is trying to cut down on nitrogen oxide emissions. The fact is that nitrogen oxides are harmful to the environment. They cause ozone degradation, acid rain, poor water quality, and other respiratory issues.

If you’re worried about the state of your home’s furnace, you can contact the professionals on our team. We carry high-efficiency, low-emissions furnaces at RKM Heating & Air. If you want to upgrade your furnace before this fall, it’s time to contact our service professionals.

Get in touch with the professionals on our team to schedule an appointment today. 


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